17 Gender Identity - Nonbinary in a Binary World (living in the middle)

Gender is a hot topic in many countries, especially the Eastern European ones. We live in a binary world and many are trying to keep the divide clearly defined. Fear is being spread of what would happen if we lose this "set" distinction. But what about those people who don't fit this binary image? How is it being in the middle, not identifying with the one or the other gender? LINKS: The Priceless Podcast Support the podcast The European Forum of LGBT Christian Groups Support the EU Forum LINKS ALEXA SUGGESTED: Psychological counseling for LGBT+ people at ACCEPT Association (this is used mostly by Romanians, but also LGBT+ people from other countries are welcome to apply for online counseling, in English)     Eastern European Forum of LGBT Christians (this is the Eastern European Forum Alexa mentioned; they are under the European Forum umbrella). 

Om Podcasten

A podcast about the topic of LGBT and spirituality. Listen to stories of people from all over Europe who are LGBT and have a religious background. Listen about their journeys of reconciling their faith and sexual orientation as well as their journey of self-discovery and acceptance. You will also hear about different countries and how it is for LGBT people to live there and what challenges they are facing and/or blessings enjoying.