23 Gay & Nigerian - "Black People Are Not Gay, Only White People Are" (About The Taboo and Shame)

In a second interview with Ade Adeniji, we talk about his personal story. Living in London-Nigeria-London being gay and the challenge of  growing up in a cultural and religious surrounding that says "Being gay  is a white thing."     When this gets to a point where you are even blamed for the death of a  family member, how do you cope? How do you shake off the shame that other people are trying to put on you?    This conversation is an addition to our first interview about shame.  Below you can find the link to the first interview where Ade talks about shame in more details and how to cope with it. LINKS: The Priceless Podcast Support the podcast The European Forum of LGBT Christian Groups Support the EU Forum Ade's Webpage: https://walkwithyou.me/ The Quest: https://www.thequestawaitsyou.com/ Ade's work based on the research of Brene Brown: http://daringeurope.com/

Om Podcasten

A podcast about the topic of LGBT and spirituality. Listen to stories of people from all over Europe who are LGBT and have a religious background. Listen about their journeys of reconciling their faith and sexual orientation as well as their journey of self-discovery and acceptance. You will also hear about different countries and how it is for LGBT people to live there and what challenges they are facing and/or blessings enjoying.