85 Queer Catholic Theologian From Bosnia - People Are In Pain FULL

Discrimination in the Balkans is still very high. This is true for many eastern-European countries. This is why it's often so hard to find people from the east as quests for the podcast. Fortunately, I came across Tanja, who is from Bosnia and Herzegovina. She is doing her PhD in Austria on the topic of LGBTIQ+ Catholics in Bosnia and Herzegovina. She is the first theologian in the SE European region doing her PhD on the LGBTIQ+ topic. In her study she came across a lot of pain and discrimination, but she still has hope for the future. A big thank you to all the people that supported and support this podcast financially as well as Reformed Churches Bern-Jura-Solothurn, Switzerland, and Die Schwelle. SUPPORT THE PODCAST: Patreon Bank transfer EUROPEAN FORUM OF LGBT CHRISTIAN GROUPS SUBSCRIBE TO THE PUBLIC PODCAST E-MAIL LIST TO RECEIVE NEW UPDATES Podcast on the web: http://neprocjenjiva.com/en/the-priceless-podcast/ YouTube/Instagram/Facebook: @podcastpriceless

Om Podcasten

A podcast about the topic of LGBT and spirituality. Listen to stories of people from all over Europe who are LGBT and have a religious background. Listen about their journeys of reconciling their faith and sexual orientation as well as their journey of self-discovery and acceptance. You will also hear about different countries and how it is for LGBT people to live there and what challenges they are facing and/or blessings enjoying.