A chat with Jim Dempsey about ‘Cybersecurity Law Fundamentals’

Cybersecurity is inextricably connected to privacy in countless ways. Like privacy law and regulation in the U.S., cybersecurity stands on a patchwork quilt of rules, laws, regulations and court cases. Stanford Cyber Policy Center Senior Policy Advisor Jim Dempsey has been teaching cybersecurity law since 2015 and worked in the area for decades, whether as an academic, a government representative on the U.S. Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board, or an advocate at the Center for Democracy & Technology. He’s long thought about the cybersecurity space and how it matches up to privacy and data protection. In fact, he’s thought so hard on this subject that he published a new book with the IAPP called “Cybersecurity Law Fundamentals.” IAPP Editorial Director Jedidiah Bracy recently caught up with Dempsey to discuss cybersecurity’s current state of play, the biggest issues companies face from a world burgeoning with adversaries and what to look for in his new book.

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The International Association of Privacy Professionals is the largest and most comprehensive global information privacy community and resource, helping practitioners develop and advance their careers and organizations manage and protect their data. More than just a professional association, the IAPP provides a home for privacy professionals around the world to gather, share experiences and enrich their knowledge. Founded in 2000, the IAPP is a not-for-profit association with more than 70,000 members in 100 countries. The IAPP helps define, support and improve the privacy profession through networking, education and certification. This podcast features IAPP Editorial Director Jedidiah Bracy, who interviews privacy pros and thought leaders from around the world about technology, law, policy and the privacy profession.