Developing Your Practice's 2023 Strategic Plan

In this episode, I'll outline the key steps you need to develop your practice's strategic plan for the new year. The first step: doing a review of the past year. For this you will need a few things: 2022 Profit and Loss statement2021 Profit and Loss statement (so you can look at the year-over-year changes)Year end billing reportsTo develop this year's strategic plan we need to do a post-mortem on the prior year. We need to figure out what went right and what we can improve. Examples of what ...

Om Podcasten

I discuss everything you always wanted and absolutely need to know about start, running and growing a private medical practice. I'll also talk about how to leverage your private practice by adding additional providers, satellite offices and ancillary services. And, vertically integrating other medical businesses like adding an ambulatory surgery center, imaging center, physical therapy and more. I will be sharing my 30+ years of experience as a physician and entrepreneur. After being an employed physician, I started and managed my own private medical practice with 11 providers. I added multiple medical businesses: in-house laboratory services, ambulatory surgery center, physical therapy, imaging center, anesthesia practice management company. I developed joint ventures between physicians and hospitals as well as between physicians and complimentary providers. In addition, I have extensive experience in developing and leasing real estate pertaining to medical services. Be sure to sign up for my newsletter and I'll keep you up to date on everything about starting, running and growing your practice and more.