Self Levelling Pre Amps..

George has his hands on a "Yellowtec Puc2 Mic LEA" and we dive into the Self Levelling abilities of this revolutionary Pre...  You can investigate more yourself here..  A big shout out to our sponsors Tri Booth. As a part of their generous support of our show, they're offering $200 off a brand new booth when you use the code PAP200. So get onto their website now and secure your new booth...   We have launched a Patreon page in the hopes of being able to pay someone to help us get the show to more people and in turn hopefully help them with the same info we're sharing with you. If you aren't familiar with Patreon, it’s an easy way for those interested in our show to get exclusive content and updates before anyone else, along with a whole bunch of other "perks" just by contributing as little as $1 per month. Find out more here..   If you haven't filled out our survey on what you'd like to hear on the show, you can do it here: Join our Facebook page here: And the FB Group here: For everything else (including joining our mailing list for exclusive previews and other goodies), check out our website “When the going gets weird, the weird turn professional.”

Om Podcasten

Hosted by voice-over and audio pros, George 'The Tech' Whittam, Robert Marshall from Source Connect and SUM1, Darren 'Robbo' Robertson from Voodoo Sound and Andrew Peters a voice-over talent home studio expert. The Pro Audio Suite features interviews with key players not just in VO but anything to do with audio and voice over. They also talk about tech stuff, VO tips and industry news! The Pro Audio Suite is delivered weekly.