Whether you’re a parent, teacher, student or you know any of the above...I’m sure you know this hasn’t been an easy adjustment. And while no one has all of the answers, @KindnessOrg has some. In my continued partnership with @NiveaUSA for our #RethinkSoft during COVID series, I spoke with Jaclyn Lindsey, the Founder + CEO of about how parents, teachers, and students can better adjust to the virtual classroom. All resources we mention in this conversation are available on their website. Please share this with anyone you think it can help. Stay soft, stay strong, stay safe. And as always — at your service

Om Podcasten

Podcast Noor is a show by award-winning storyteller Noor Tagouri (@noor). This series brings together storytellers in all forms, sharing their story for the first time, or the right time. In between investigative series, Noor uses Podcast Noor as an outlet to explore topics she’s curious about, with people whose work she admires. Podcast Noor is produced by Noor’s own At Your Service Media founded in 2019, telling stories as a form of service.