Stop Reacting, Start Acting: How 30 Minutes Can Transform Your Productivity

Feel like you're always in 'go mode,' but never really getting ahead? In today's episode, we introduce a game-changing skill that's often overlooked: 'Thinking Time.' We'll share the transformative journey of Francesca, a mom and business owner, who went from feeling overwhelmed to feeling in control and organized. Tune in to discover how dedicating just 30 minutes to structured thinking can propel your productivity and life to new heights. You can find links to everything that we share in the show notes by going to

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Win back time, double your energy, and achieve your goals. Become more productive at work and in life. Get weekly episodes on productivity, time management, and efficiency to achieve your goals in record time. At The Productivity Show, we believe you should get your important things done without sacrificing your health, family and things that matter to you. This is a weekly podcast where we show you ways to save time, and increase your productivity and happiness.