Become a Hospitality Game Changer - Join Our Community

Staring down the barrel of a 60% permanent closure rate...It's time to fix what's broken. It’s time to change the game. 

The hospitality industry is at a pivotal point and it has become painfully obvious that business acumen and strategic planning will matter just as much as resilience. 

There's no shortage of resources ranging from how to apply for loans to how to negotiate with your landlord. At some point, we will turn our sights towards the future and, when that time comes, we’ll need the tools and strategies to thrive, not just survive. 

In the hospitality industry, we fix our own problems. This is no different. We’ve created a group called The Hospitality Game Changers It’s on Facebook, a platform you already use daily. 

It’s a space just for us where we’re tackling the most difficult issues facing our industry and creating solutions. It’s updated daily with the most compelling audio, written and video content to make sure you’re plugged in to what’s going on today and what can help us tomorrow. 

It’s quick, easy and free to join. Just click here or login to Facebook and search Hospitality Game Changers in the search bar. Click join and you’re all set. 

We can’t change the cards that we are dealt, but we can change how we play the game. 

We'll see you there, 

JoshMichaelWilShaun and Adam


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Do you need to revamp your hospitality business strategy? Do you need help with a project or someone to work with on a tough problem in your hotel or restaurant? 

If I can help you in any way, please don’t hesitate to reach out. You can book a free call with me by going to

Om Podcasten

Welcome to The Proven Principles Hospitality Podcast! From hotels to short term rentals, this show is aimed at demystifying the inner workings of the hospitality industry. Join us each week as we feature expert interviews, while breaking down the tactics and habits of hospitality insiders and world-class performers. Hosted by Adam Knight, Co-Founder of Recreation Vacation Rentals, hospitality veteran and operations expert with 25-years across luxury brands and independent hotel companies. Listen and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts. Visit to learn more.