Diversity and Inclusivity in Hospitality Vol. 3: Dave Bahr, Author & Disability Advocate

Dave is an author, speaker and founder of In-Sightful Living, an accessibility consultancy that helps organizations enhance their systems, environments, events, and cultures to be supportive of people with disabilities. Dave has been blind from birth and much of his work focuses on teaching people that having a disability is not a hindrance, but an asset. This isn’t a typical episode of the show, instead, this week I’m talking with someone with different needs who travels a lot, in the hopes of doing more than simply shedding light on what we can to better prepare our teams. This conversation centers more on getting inside the mind of someone who is on the receiving end of all the training and preparation that goes into making sure hotels are as accessible and comfortable as possible for guests and employees with needs different from what you may encounter on a regular basis. About Dave Dave Bahr is an author, speaker, and comedian focused on demystifying the public's perception of how to interact with people with disabilities. As founder of In-Sightful Living, Dave works as an accessibility consultant, aiding organizations to enhance their systems, environments, events, and cultures to be supportive of people with disabilities. Blind from birth, he teaches that having a disability is not a hindrance, but an asset. When not doing disability advocacy work, Dave enjoys listening to baseball games on the radio and jazz and classical music. Links Website: https://www.in-sightfulliving.com LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/davebahr Book: Prave, The Adventures of the Blind and the Brittle Email: dave@in-sightfulliving.com

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