#104: Why every woman needs a financial plan with Kristine Beese

Kristine Beese is the CEO of Untangle Money. Her goal is to get an affordable, unbiased financial plan into the hands of every woman in the world. Equipping women to close the gender wealth gap, thereby improving global gender equity. Kristine talks about the unintended consequences of a financial system built for the typical male. She shares captivating stories about what women need to know about money and what women can do differently to align their day-to-day spending with their long-term goals so that women can make the best financial decisions for themselves. Equipped with research, insights, and experience, Kristine is a credible and compelling resource that regularly educates audiences on why gendered financial equity is critically important. As a woman and a mother, Kristine learned through her experience in male-dominated industries that women experience the world differently from men, especially regarding wealth and finance. As a result, her work is developed for women using women-specific data. Kristine is a former national pairs figure skater who brings tenacity and bravery to her role as a founder. A problem solver by nature, her international experience in engineering, capital markets and wealth management helps her look at problems from a first-principles perspective. Kristine holds an MBA from the Ivey School of Business and an engineering physics degree from Queen's University. We cover the following in the conversation: Women's experience with money Why language is important Why Kristine started Untangle Money Her journey as a founder The vision for Untangle Money And how we do encourage more women to invest in the startup ecosystem. ***

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We are changing the conversation about money and investing. Our focus is on women's economic empowerment, financial independence, gender equity and closing the gender investment gap. Women are the driving force behind the changes we want to see in the world. We talk to change makers, entrepreneurs, financial experts, economists, wealth managers, angel investors and fund managers, who shine a light on the key trends in money and investing. Signup for our weekly newsletter: https://jointhepurse.substack.com The Purse Ltd. Copyright & All rights reserved.