Let the Sh!t Go to Find Peace and Happiness with Nina Purewal

Today, we welcome Nina Purewal to the podcast. Nina is a keynote speaker, bestselling author, podcast host, mental health advocate, executive grief ambassador, ex-CPG marketer, and founder of Pure Minds Inc., a social enterprise that conducts mental wellness and mindfulness workshops for the corporate and public sectors. Nina has been studying mindfulness for over 20 years and practicing meditation for over a decade. She joins us to day to discuss the book, Let that Sh*t Go: Find Peace of Mind and Happiness in your Everyday, which she co-authored with Kate Petriw.After experiencing a devastating tragedy, Nina embarked on a journey to find answers and sought solace in mindfulness practices. Despite initially following a traditional path and obtaining a business degree, Nina eventually reached a breaking point with the stress of corporate life. In search of change, she took a year-long sabbatical, living in an ashram or monastery and disconnecting from the outside world. Upon returning, Nina realized the incredible potential of sharing ancient wisdom with those struggling with anxiety, stress, and depression. In 2011, when mindfulness and meditation were not widely discussed, she re-entered the corporate world and later started her own business, Pure Minds. Through corporate workshops and community sessions, Nina teaches individuals how to let go of negative emotions and self-limiting beliefs. Nina is fueled by her love for empowering others through ancient wisdom and fostering peace and grounding through mindfulness and meditation. She continues to learn and grow on her personal journey while sharing her insights with the world.[07.29] Negative thoughts – When you are having a negative thought, let it come, acknowledge it, and then let it go.[13.06] Fill your cup first – If you don’t love yourself first, you cannot give love to others.[20.51] Meditation concepts – Nina shares some meditation myths that will help people practice mindfulness.[26.34] Controlling life – Controlling everything in your life is impossible. But we can control how we react to it.[35.20] Letting go of should – We talk about letting go of societal pressures and focusing on what’s important to us.[52.04] Pause to celebrate – We dive into the importance of taking a moment to celebrate our achievements.[01.00.59] Authenticity – You have to be unapologetic about who you are. We talk about the importance of being authentic and some ways to step into that authenticity.[01.11.09] Finding forgiveness – Nina walks us through her journey of forgiveness.ResourcesConnect with NinaLinkedIn - linkedin.com/in/nina-purewal/ Instagram - instagram.com/nina.pure.minds/ Website - pureminds.ca/ Book by Nina PurewalLet That Sh*t Go: Find Peace of Mind and Happiness in Your EverydayBook by Dr. Joe DispenzaBecoming Supernatural: How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon

Om Podcasten

I talk to authors, subject matter experts and millionaire mentors to understand how successful people approach their personal growth, Get Sh!t Done and become financially free. Whether it’s habits, money or mindset, I want to learn from the experts and share it with you.We talk about Self-improvement, greatness, impact, mindset and FI.Previous guests include: Steve Magness, Brad Stulberg, Kevin Kelly, Jonah Berger, Laura Gassner Otting, Brian Feroldi, Eric Partaker, Bill Perkins, Juliet and Kelly Starrett, Daniel Priestley, Tiago Forte, Brad Ritter, Joshua Becker and Nate Dallas