EP 047: Circadian Friendly Light Bulbs with Daniel Ebbett

"Are your light bulbs making you sick? Discover the shocking truth about artificial light and its impact on your health in this eye-opening episode of the Quantum Biology Collective podcast. Host Meredith Oke dives deep into the world of circadian-friendly lighting with guest Daniel Ebbett, founder of Block Blue Light. Daniel shares his personal journey of overcoming insomnia and migraines by optimizing his light environment. Learn why artificial light at night is a toxin, the dangers of blue light, and the harmful effects of flicker and EMFs. But Daniel also reveals the solution; circadian-friendly light bulbs that address all these issues.   Quotes: "I'm not even like sleeping. I'm kind of like just being tranquilized and then waking up feeling like so much worse." - Daniel Ebbett (06:08) "Warm white, cool white, whatever white, as long as it's an LED standard conventional light, it's got lots of blue light in it. It's not good for us." (29:25 | Daniel Ebbett)  "On sub-level to our cells, it's like a strobe light or something, where it's just like this really intense stimulation that we're not consciously aware of, but it's still affecting our physiology on some level." (31:19 | Daniel Ebbett) "So big picture, what we're trying to do is to keep our indoor lighting as close to possible as sort of what's happening outside, which is like a gradual change in the brightness and a gradual change in the color temperature of the light." (45:09 | Meredith Oke) "We're not designed to stay awake hours and hours past sunset. We're artificially being kept awake by the lighting that we turn on and use to see, right? So it's quite interesting when you see people that are used to that and they're like, no, no, no, I'm like a night owl. And then they start trying this and like, holy, I just can't stay awake in the evenings. I'm so tired. And it's like, that's how you're supposed to feel." (50:54 | Daniel Ebbett)  "So the rule of thumb with the blue blocking glasses is ‘A’, if they're genuinely blocking blue light, they're going to have dark orange or reddish lenses. And ‘B’, you only want to wear those dark orange or reddish lenses when it's dark out or as it's getting dark, because it's going to tell your body it's nighttime. So if it's daytime, you don't want to wear them, even if you're on your computer or in harsh lighting." (1:00:07 | Meredith Oke)   Links Block Blue Light: blockbluelight.com  To receive a FREE infographic of the Ideal Circadian Day & join our email list: https://www.quantumbiologycollective.com/qbc-newsletter-aqb To find a practitioner who understands quantum biology:www.quantumbiologycollective.org To see details about the Applied Quantum Certification: www.appliedquantumbiology.com Follow on Instagram & Facebook: @quantumbiologycollecitve Twitter: @quantumhealthtv   Podcast production and show notes provided by HiveCast.fm

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Is your light environment more important than the food you eat? Can sunlight treat depression? Does a barefoot walk outside boost your immune system? The Quantum Biology Collective is a group of pioneering health professionals who study, apply and explain the emerging field of quantum biology: a new paradigm of understanding how human health REALLY works that is light years beyond the current established medical model. From the vast research showing that circadian rhythms regulate every important process in the body to emerging research that quantum mechanical processes are taking place in our cells—this new world is the missing link that you’re searching for, whether you’re a health practitioner, or someone trying to optimize your own health and your family’s. We feature a variety of experts, from medical doctors to researchers to health coaches, who all have first-hand experience applying these principles—and getting incredible results—in their health practices and in their own lives.