EP 049: Nutritional Light Technology with Ken Ceder

Can light function as a form of nutrition for our bodies? Join Meredith Oke and Ken Ceder, a seasoned engineer specializing in healthy light solutions on this episode of The Quantum Biology Collective. With over three decades of experience, Ken illuminates the topic of malillumination, drawing parallels between light and essential nutrients, and discussing how our indoor lifestyles may be leaving us light-deficient. Ken brings to light the pioneering work of John Ott in the realm of full spectrum light technology. He recounts Ott’s serendipitous findings on the influence of light quality on plant growth, which led to the creation of the first full spectrum light tube—an incredible advancement for simulating the benefits of natural sunlight indoors. So what are the negative repercussions of unhealthy lighting? Ken argues that the kind of light we're exposed to can have disruptive effects on circadian rhythms and metabolism impacting sleep and weight management, and even mood imbalances. Wrapping up, Ken introduces his own innovative light product designed to combat the challenges of spending too much time indoors. His solution blends LED efficiency with a composition of light that mirrors the natural spectrum, including traces of ultraviolet and near-infrared light, aiming to bring a slice of the sun's benefits to our indoor spaces. Tune in for an enlightening discussion that sheds light on how the right illumination can lead to a healthier life. This episode is an essential listen for anyone looking to enhance their well-being through conscious light choices.   Quotes: "Malillumination is suggesting that first and foremost, light is in fact a nutrient, the same as food or basically similar to food." (03:14 | Ken Ceder) “I don't think there's anything that any of your viewers could possibly do, no matter if they're in great health, or unfortunately, if they're in poor health, if they want to find the simplest, least expensive trick, step out in the morning sun.” (27:18 | Ken Ceder)  "Light is visible radiation. And so what it's doing for you or what it's giving you is energy." (33:07 | Ken Ceder) “Metabolism, the fire that keeps you going, the fire of your biology is metabolism. It is 100%, 100% based on or dependent on light. So light in the morning, it ignites your metabolism.” (36:12 | Ken Ceder)    Links Connect with Ken Ceder: SOL light therapy device: https://solshine.org/products/sol-photovites use code: QBC Science of Light Foundation: solshine.org Ken Ceder's LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ken-ceder-03866b10/ Ken Ceder's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064320986611   John Ott's Book "Health & Light" https://www.amazon.com/Health-Light-extraordinary-Affects-emotional/dp/0898040981/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2VP0OFDKEI9BN&keywords=john+ott&qid=1698942892&sprefix=john+ott%2Caps%2C75&sr=8-1   To receive a FREE infographic of the Ideal Circadian Day & join our email list: https://www.quantumbiologycollective.com/qbc-newsletter-aqb To find a practitioner who understands quantum biology:www.quantumbiologycollective.org To see details about the Applied Quantum Certification: www.appliedquantumbiology.com Follow on Instagram & Facebook: @quantumbiologycollecitve Twitter: @quantumhealthtv   Podcast production and show notes provided by HiveCast.fm

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Is your light environment more important than the food you eat? Can sunlight treat depression? Does a barefoot walk outside boost your immune system? The Quantum Biology Collective is a group of pioneering health professionals who study, apply and explain the emerging field of quantum biology: a new paradigm of understanding how human health REALLY works that is light years beyond the current established medical model. From the vast research showing that circadian rhythms regulate every important process in the body to emerging research that quantum mechanical processes are taking place in our cells—this new world is the missing link that you’re searching for, whether you’re a health practitioner, or someone trying to optimize your own health and your family’s. We feature a variety of experts, from medical doctors to researchers to health coaches, who all have first-hand experience applying these principles—and getting incredible results—in their health practices and in their own lives.