EP 074: Brilliant Inventors Part II: Portable Phototherapy To Harness Our Body’s Own Light

“Light therapy is unbelievably powerful and it certainly is the future of medicine,” says David Schmidt, CEO of health and wellness company LifeWave, who joins the Quantum Biology Collective podcast to discuss his X39 patch and its ability to completely change our current approach to anti-aging and, as a result, to fighting disease. Rather than injecting stem cells, exogenous substances or outside sources of light into the system, the patch works with the infrared light which exists inside of the body, communicates with the body’s systems and sets changes in motion. On today’s episode, David explains what separates his products from other forms of phototherapy and how his early work with the military and in cancer research led up to his work today.    Nature and religion have also inspired David’s research. He describes his findings from studies of flatworms, hydras and lobster—species which contain an abundance of stem cells, regenerate lost body parts and, as long as they are protected and properly provided for, are immortal. He also explains his belief that the equivalent of God’s word is written in numeric form in the light frequencies of living species.    In both nature and prayer, we can find the answers to our healing, David says. Join today’s discussion to learn more.    Quotes “I would say the single biggest difference between lifewave and other light therapy devices is that these products use modulated light which have information that can trigger a specific biochemical effect. (16:12 | David Schmidt) “As we age, the body actually emits more light, and this isn’t a good thing because the cells are leaking. And when they’re leaking this light, it interferes with the ability of the cells to be in homeostasis, be in balance. What we found with the energy patches when we did this back in 2008 or 2009, is that it decreases the light emission from the body to improve homeostasis. So, it brings the body back to balance and this is a very powerful anti-aging mechanism.” (21:40 | David Schmidt)  “God, the Creator of the Universe, who created everything, put His fingerprint or signature, in numbers, in living species. And we can use that information to create new types of light therapy devices that can potentially stop and reverse human aging, not to mention treatment of disease.” (29:06 | David Schmidt)  “The other reason, I think, to do this is to empower people, not just with information but with technology that they can use.” (39:57 | David Schmidt) “We’re not injecting stem cells into the body; what we’re really doing is getting the stem cells that are already in the body to act like younger cells. What happens is that we’re tapping into the communication system that already exists in our bodies.” (48:09 | David Schmidt)   Links To purchase the products discussed in this episode. The product David described is called X39: X39 link: https://lifewave.com/qbcpodcast/store/product/39000.022.009 Main Store: https://lifewave.com/qbcpodcast   Practitioners, if you are interested in information about how to distribute the patches to your clients / patients please fill out this form https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1-6fn8pDMSaClSCRmaeKMlprWag3K_zHuQ4TBNKZX9Wc/edit?ts=66278cfc     To receive a FREE infographic of the Ideal Circadian Day & join our email list: https://www.quantumbiologycollective.com/qbc-newsletter-aqb To find a practitioner who understands quantum biology: www.quantumbiologycollective.org To see details about the Applied Quantum Certification: www.appliedquantumbiology.com Follow on Instagram & Facebook: @quantumbiologycollecitve Twitter: @quantumhealthtv     Podcast production and show notes provided by HiveCast.fm

Om Podcasten

Is your light environment more important than the food you eat? Can sunlight treat depression? Does a barefoot walk outside boost your immune system? The Quantum Biology Collective is a group of pioneering health professionals who study, apply and explain the emerging field of applied quantum biology: a new paradigm of understanding how human health REALLY works that is light years beyond the current traditional medical model. From the vast research showing that circadian rhythms regulate every important process and pathway in the body, to emerging research that quantum mechanical processes are taking place in our cells—this new world is the missing link that you’re searching for, whether you’re a health practitioner, or someone trying to optimize your own health and your family’s. We feature a variety of experts, from medical doctors to researchers to entrepreneurs to health coaches, who all have first-hand experience applying these principles—and getting incredible results—in their health practices and in their own lives.