EPISODE #806 "Hurry To Hollywood!" The Radio Adventures of Dr. Floyd
In this episode... While Dr. Floyd, Dr. Grant and C.H.I.P.S. discuss the finer points of space travel, Dr. Steve begins work on a dastardly plan and Fidgert, unknowingly, helps him through his creative block! EPISODE #806 EPISODE TITLE: "Hurry To Hollywood" WRITTEN BY:Grant Baciocco RECORDED AT:Dr. Floyd Studios, Burbank, CA REGULAR CAST: Mr. Narrator - Himself Dr. Floyd - Himself Dr. Steve - Himself Dr. Grant - Himself Fidgert - Himself SPECIAL GUESTS: C.H.I.P.S. - Moira Quirk MGM Security Guard - Chris Sheets MUSIC BY:Jody Whitesides ©2019 Saturday Morning Media Grant Baciocco Doug Price