Episode 27: John Mayer, "Continuum"

"Continuum" is the album that changed John Mayer's trajectory in the best way. I'm covering a lot of ground in this episode, including which song on "Continuum" single-handedly turned me into a fan of his (and why I wasn't for the longest time), how "Back to the Future" inspired Mayer to play the guitar, and the medical condition that made him think he might never sing again. We'll talk Dead & Co., all of Mayer's relationships and the songs they inspired, and what's on the horizon for him in 2019.

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The Radio Ga Ga Podcast is a weekly album review podcast that explores why we like the music we like. Host Justine Piehowski dives into each album in depth, with artist backgrounds, song-by-song meanings, and notes from the recording studio. The goal of the Radio Ga Ga Podcast is to help you as the listener feel more knowledgeable and connected to the music you love, and maybe even music you didn't know you would. Available wherever you listen to podcasts. https://radiogagapodcast.com/