156. 3 Calendar Hacks For Busy Entrepreneurial Families

Hey Rainmaker fam! It’s Stephen and Chelsey here, excited to dive into something that’s been a hot topic among our community: calendar hacks for the super busy. Yep, we’re talking about those of us juggling entrepreneurship, family, and everything in between. We’ve discovered three life-changing strategies that have seriously upgraded our efficiency and harmony at home and work. First off, let's demystify this idea that structure equals restriction. If anything, we’ve learned that a little organization actually frees us up to do more of what we love. Think about it as setting up guardrails that guide you toward your goals without getting sidetracked. So, what are these magical hacks, you ask? Number one is all about designing your dream week. Imagine a week where every piece fits just right: work, family time, personal care, you name it. We started by identifying what elements made our best weeks and used those insights to shape our ideal schedule. Next up, we tackled the issue of switching costs – the time and mental energy lost when hopping between tasks. By theming our days to focus on specific types of work or activities, we've cut down on the chaos and upped our productivity big time. Lastly, we’ve implemented what we call the Level 10 Family Meeting. This weekly check-in ensures we’re aligned on everything from business decisions to personal appointments, making sure the upcoming week is set up for success. It’s about taking those scattered to-dos and creating a clear action plan together. These strategies aren’t just about getting more done; they’re about creating space for what matters most. By being intentional with our time, we’ve found more peace, deeper connections!  So, whether you're navigating the waters of entrepreneurship, parenting, or both, remember that a little structure can lead to a lot of freedom. Hit play now to join us on this journey to master our time and live our dream life, one well-planned week at a time.   Links for this episode:   Connect with us: The Rainmaker Challenge: https://rainmakerchallenges.com/join ► Subscribe To Our YouTube Channel: https://bit.ly/33EdgBs ► Website: therainmakerfamily.com ► Facebook: www.facebook.com/diazfamilylegacy ► Instagram: instagram.com/chels_diaz instagram.com/steezdiaz instagram.com/therainmakerfamily ► Get Free Stuff On Amazon: stephensfreestuff.com/sfs Episode: minute by minute  00:30 Calendar Hacks that have changed our lives forever (for real!)  5:00 Crafting Your Dream Week: Why Chelsey recommends this to EVERY entrepreneur 09:24 Minimizing Task-Switching: Being kind to your mind and boosting everyday productivity   20:41 Implementing Level 10 Meetings and how 1 hour can save you 10 days of chaos  16:09 Establishing an End-of-Day Ritual that helps you transition back into family mode  

Om Podcasten

Chelsey and Stephen help motivated moms "work for the internet". Empowering you to shift from the traditional model of trading time for money into building alternative income streams online...without sacrificing precious family time. Listen in for weekly steps for action takers that will break poverty, create financial freedom and then release generosity and generational wealth. Our mission is to go all in and help you create life changing residual income. Divorcing the "I Can't" mindset and marrying "How Can I?" to step powerfully into the abundant dreams of your heart.