Is the Value Premium Smaller Than We Thought? Featuring Mathias Hasler (EP.176)

Today we have a guest join us on one of our 'us episodes', and we are very lucky to welcome Mathias Hasler to take part in the last section of today's podcast. Mathias is a Visiting Assistant Professor of Finance at Boston College, and his primary research focuses are empirical asset pricing, market efficiency, value investing, and corrections for data mining. In our chat with him today, we zoom in on a specific paper of his and its proposition about 'the six decisions' and their alternatives. Before we dive in with Mathias, we spend a little time with our usual round-up; looking at a new book by Hubert Joly, and fielding a very interesting listener question about value and investing in relation to green investments. Also, make sure to stay tuned for some thought-provoking Talking Sense cards with Mathias at the tail end of today's podcast.   Key Points From This Episode:   This week's book review for The Heart of Business and a look at some of its main ideas. [0:05:12.4] A quick recap of some fundamental information regarding inflation hedging. [0:09:45.1] A listener question about value and ESG investing, and the relationship between factors and sectors. [0:13:40.4] Unpacking the six decisions that Mathias outlines in his recent paper. [0:34:42.8] The process that Mathias went through testing his alternatives to the six decisions. [0:40:18.3] Differences between conditional and unconditional value premiums estimates. [0:43:39.5] The implications of Mathias' findings for investors pursuing value. [0:47:08.2] A round of Talking Sense cards with Mathias relating to saving and spending, job outcomes, and more. [0:49:20.1]

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A weekly reality check on sensible investing and financial decision-making, from two Canadians. Hosted by Benjamin Felix and Cameron Passmore, Portfolio Managers at PWL Capital.