Season 7 Episode 3: Polyamory in Media 2023

"I need to have a word with the people at Netflix about teasing polyamory" "Books are just leaps and bounds ahead of tv in representation, so my standards are way higher" In today's episode, Laura and Abbie of PolyAnarchy discuss polyamorous representation in various tv properties and books. Their favorites include the book To Shape a Dragon's Breath and they universally pan what they term "all the Netflix reality shows that use the word throuple and don't give us one." Special Guest: Abbie K.

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Welcome to the Ready for Polyamory Podast! Your charming host, Laura Boyle, will be talking to members of an ever more illustrious group of guests to present the concepts and nuances of Consensual Non-Monogamy, Polyamory and relationship skills in general. Like many polyamorous authorities, she has both mixed educational background (in English Literature, Sexual Diversity Studies, and Law) and personal experience (15 years at the time of this writing) in the field of consensual non-monogamy, and ten in polyamorous relationships more specifically, and this podcast is for the Big General Concepts that don't fit the nerdy detail of the blog (, or the bite-sized format of social media. It's an ongoing examination of polyamorous love, strengths, and challenges, as seen by a 30-something relationship and sex educator and coach.