434 | Ben Mezrich: Will Elon Musk Make or Break X?

Ben Mezrich, author of Breaking Twitter: Elon Musk and the Most Controversial Corporate Takeover in History, returns to The Realignment. Marshall and Ben discuss Elon Musk's prospects for turning X (formerly Twitter) into not only a fundamentally sound business, but also the biggest global platform for speech, whether a profit-driven company can ever achieve free speech goals, post-acquisition successes, failures, and missed opportunities, and whether the platform can ever build the requisite subscriber base to escape its dependence on advertisers.

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The United States is in the midst of a dramatic political realignment with shifting views on national security, economics, technology, and the role of government in our lives. Saagar Enjeti and Marshall Kosloff explore this with thinkers, policymakers, and more.