471 | Natalie Foster: Universal Basic Income, the Expanded Child-Tax-Credit, & Why America's Economy Will Be Based on "Guarantees"

Natalie Foster, author of The Guarantee: Inside the Fight for America’s Next Economy and President & Cofounder of the Economic Security Project, joins The Realignment. Marshall and Natalie discuss how the 2016 election and the COVID pandemic created the opportunity to shift the conventional wisdom about the American economy away from the neoliberal status quo, what an economy built around "guarantees" would look like, lessons from UBI experiments and the expansion of the Child-Tax-Credit, and how progressives should respond to post-COVID inflation's dampening of support for government spending programs.

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The United States is in the midst of a dramatic political realignment with shifting views on national security, economics, technology, and the role of government in our lives. Saagar Enjeti and Marshall Kosloff explore this with thinkers, policymakers, and more.