The Arcturian Council - Are You Prepared For The shift
We have finished our evaluation of the human collective consciousness and its ability to handle higher frequency energies. Here is what we have discovered. Not everyone responds in the same way to higher frequency energy. Those who are unprepared for it completely have quite a few ascension symptoms and can sometimes even experience a sort of mental breakdown, or even a seizure. Those who are awake, but have not been preparing themselves for the higher frequency energies, might experience some bodily sensations, some weird dreams, and some physical dehydration. Those of you who are awake and do expect the higher frequencies as they come in have beautiful experiences where you tap into new abilities, where you know yourselves as your higher selves for periods of time, and you also have many other positive outcomes. The Arcturian Council channeled by Daniel Scranton covers a variety of amazing topics related to your spiritual awakening. You can find Daniel at You can find a copy of this from Daniel's book Ascension The Shift To The Fifth Dimension Volume 5