The Arcturian Council - Join Us On The Perfect Timeline

We have an abundance of what you would refer to as time because we are always so present and because we know how time works. We know that there are these entities called timelines and that the timelines do all of the real work for us. Like you all, we are searching for the best possible timeline for ourselves and for the rest of the universe. We want to experience the best possible ride back to Source, and for us that means the ride with the greatest experience of expansion and peace at the same time. You often get your expansion from misery, suffering, discord and chaos, and the reason that is the case for you is because you focus more when you are experiencing hardship. We invite you to focus because you recognize that in your focus you can get to where you want to go more quickly and with greater ease and joy. We invite you to stop waiting for chaos to occur in your lives or on your planet before stepping up your game in terms of your willingness to focus on that best possible timeline. The Arcturian Council covers a variety of amazing topics related to your spiritual awakening. As Maricris Dela- Cruz Scranton stated, "When I first became aware of Daniel’s channeling, it happened quite by accident when I was deleting friend suggestions Facebook was making that didn’t feel aligned for me. When I came across Daniel’s profile, something said, “Don’t delete him. Check it out.” In that moment, I knew there was something different about this Soul, so I followed my intuition and it led me to the most magical place - getting to know Daniel and his channeling even better. As Daniel Explains: Some of you might be wondering who The Arcturian Council are, where they come from, and why we would want to listen to them. I’m sure you’ll understand more as you read through this book, but to make it easier on those of you who are brand new to my work and the Arcturians, here’s a brief tutorial. The Arcturian Council are a ninth dimensional collective of beings who have evolved and ascended within the Arcturian Star System. By comparison, we are in the fourth dimension, and we are ascending to the fifth. The Arcturians no longer incarnate in physical bodies.They are consciousness, energy, light and love, and their desire is to be of service to humanity. These are the amazing channelings of Daniel Scranton. You can find Daniel at Get a private channeled reading with Daniel & The 9D Arcturian Council here: FREE Guided Meditation from Archangel Michael & sign up for Daniel's emails here: You can find Daniel's youtube channel here 📕 ACTIVATE YOUR UNLIMITED POWER - 💰Large Sums Of Money Activation Trainings - 12 hours of training on activating the large sums of money reality 🌎→The New Earth Activation trainings - Immerse yourself in 12 hours of content focused on the new earth with channeling, meditations, advanced training and access to the new earth 🎨 Buy My Art - Unique Sigil Magic and Energy Activation Through Flow Art and Voyages Through Space and Imagination. 📕HACK YOUR REALITY 🎧Listen to my book on audible ✨ Alternate Universe Reality Activation get full access to new meditations, new lectures, recordings from the reality con and the 90 day AURA meditation schedule ✨Sign up for my newsletter and email list 💬 Join Our Community: 🌐Join The Reality Revolution – ➡Join The Reality Revolution Facebook Group - ➡ Follow Us On Facebook ➡Join The Reality Revolution Discord ➡ Join our Board On Reddit: ➡Instagram: ➡Twitter: ➡Spoutible: ➡Linkedin: ➡Threads: ➡ MeWe: ➡ Pinterest: ➡ Tribel: ➡ Hive Social ➡ Bluesky ✨The Arcturian Council channelings #arcturiancouncil #newearth #ascension

Om Podcasten

The Reality Revolution podcast is hosted by Brian Scott, a writer, entrepreneur, epiphany addict, inner space astronaut, life coach, transformation engineer, futurist, hypnotist, neurolinguistic programmer, meditation instructor, motivational speaker, researcher, intuition teacher, luck instructor and founder of the Advanced Success Institute. The Reality Revolution is born out of a fanatical vision quest to understand a near-death experience which was the culmination of a profound spiritual awakening in which Brian explores whether he has shifted into a parallel reality. The mission of the Reality Revolution podcast is to explore the new movement to hack reality exploring experiential quantum physics, reality transurfing, quantum jumping, meditation, hypnosis, qi-gong, sensory deprivation, virtual reality, mind tech, ayahuasca, psychedelics, channeling, manifestation, mindfulness, neurolinguistic programming, epigenetics, eft, energy psychology, yoga, ho’oponopono, luck coaching, Silva mind control, cybernetics, intuition training, biohacking, heart coherence, the Wim-Hof method, brain wave manipulation and advanced law of attraction techniques. This podcast is a first-hand account of Brian's journey and an exploration of this unique and growing movement combined with interviews of people in a variety of fields. It explores practical exercises, obscure techniques, and guided meditations you can use to harness the power of parallel realities, quantum entanglement and deliberate intention to achieve your dreams, find love, find money, find success, and discover true happiness and fulfillment. You will discover deep lessons on how to transform your life using guided quantum journeys, morning and evening routines, meditative techniques, energy work, and the science of deliberate intention. Join the Reality Revolution!