Hindsight 2020 - A Six-Pack Of Clips, with Black Pumas, Lucinda Williams, Jason Isbell, Chris Frantz, Kathleen Edwards, and Marc Maron.

Episode #32 is all about 2020 Hindsight, and while we love ALL of our guests equally, Paul took just a few moments out of six shows from over the past year to make this "clip show" which includes excerpts from chats with Eric Burton and Adrian Quesada of Black Pumas, Lucinda Williams with Tom Overby, Jason Isbell, Chris Frantz from Talking Heads and Tom Tom Club, Kathleen Edwards, and comedian Marc Maron. To hear ALL of our shows, please subscribe, rate, and review us wherever you get podcasts. Go to RecordStoreDay.com for more RSD info. Continuing thanks to Dogfish Head Craft Brewery and Tito's Handmade Vodka.

Om Podcasten

From the people who created Record Store Day, The Record Store Day Podcast with Paul Myers is an informative, record store-centric interview show featuring conversations with great guests talking about records, record stores and experiences in the physical retail space.