We Love You L.A. - Fran Healy on Travis's L.A. Times, and L.A. fire relief with Musicare's Laura Segura

As apocapytic fires continue to ravage Los Angeles, we spoke with Laura Segura, Executive Director of Musicares.org about how you can help the people who bring you the music by donating at Musicares.org/firerelief , and how music business professionals get get assistance by emailing musicaresrelief@musicares.org And as the Scottish group Travis sets out on their first North American tour in 15 years, singer Fran Healy is here to talk about his challenges with life in Los Angeles and how they influenced Travis' recent album L.A. Times.  The Record Store Day Podcast is a weekly music chat show written, produced, engineered and hosted by Paul Myers, who also composed the theme music and selected interstitial music.  Executive Producers (for Record Store Day) Michael Kurtz and Carrie Colliton. For the most up-to-date news about all things RSD, visit RecordStoreDay.com) Please consider subscribing to our podcast wherever you get podcasts, and tell your friends, we're here every week and we love making new friends.   This episode is dedicated to Sam Moore of Sam & Dave And to the city of Los Angeles.

Om Podcasten

From the people who created Record Store Day, The Record Store Day Podcast with Paul Myers is an informative, record store-centric interview show featuring conversations with great guests talking about records, record stores and experiences in the physical retail space.