Burying the Monroe Doctrine

Following a day-long discussion about U.S. interventionism and efforts to resist imperialism at the Latin America and Caribbean Policy Forum, host José Luis Granados Ceja is joined by Nick Estes from The Red Nation, Claudia De La Cruz from The People’s Forum, Teri Mattson of the WTF is Going on in Latin America and the Caribbean podcast, Celina della Croce and Hector Figarella from the Anti-Imperialist Action Committee, as well as Venezuelanalysis’ Greg Wilpert, to have a rich discussion about the fight to bury the Monroe Doctrine, ending sanctions on Venezuela, and drawing inspiration from the Bolivarian Revolution. This is a repost from our comrades at Venezuela Analysis. Follow them on Twitter (@venanalysis) and subscribe to their podcast.  Support www.patreon.com/redmediapr

Om Podcasten

The Red Nation Podcast features discussions on Indigenous history, politics, and culture from a left perspective. Hosted by Nick Estes and Jen Marley with help from our friend and comrade Sina. The Red Nation Podcast is also the home of Red Power Hour, hosted by Melanie Yazzie and Elena Ortiz. Our show is entirely supported by our patrons on Patreon, support the show and get access to bonus content and other patron exclusive benefits here: Patreon.com/redmediapr Website: therednation.org Follow the hosts on Twitter @nickwestes and @JenMarley1680 and the Red Nation @The_Red_Nation. ​ Theme song: "Dead Horse" by Weedrat https://weedrat.bandcamp.com/