Examining Regenerative Real Estate with Izumi Tanaka

Izumi Tanaka is a green realtor, podcast host, and change agent with Latitude Regenerative Real Estate. Izumi moved to the U.S. from Japan when she was 21 years old and for her whole life has used ikigai as a driving force—a Japanese concept that's often associated with the intersection of a four part Venn diagram: what you love, what you are good at, what the world needs, and what you can be paid for. In her work, she combines mindful living with the built environment in an effort to c...

Om Podcasten

A show about human environments and how they can be used as a force for good—conversations that educate and inspire people looking for a different way to do real estate. Brought to you by Neal Collins and Latitude Regenerative Real Estate. Join the Mighty Network community at https://latitude-regenerative-real-estate.mn.co or follow us on Instagram @latitude.regenerative.re