Regeneration for Social Change with Ashley Colby Fitzgerald

“Your life is your story. Write well. Edit often.” - Susan StathamAshley Colby Fitzgerlad’s life is one in which passion meets purpose. She dared to take the road less traveled; the road that many of us only glimpse in bleary-eyed daydreams. To venture into the unknown, guided by a burning question of “What could be?” takes a leap of faith. It is an act that tests your resolve, questions your motives, grades on your patience, and thus, builds your resilience.With the burning desire to l...

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A show about human environments and how they can be used as a force for good—conversations that educate and inspire people looking for a different way to do real estate. Brought to you by Neal Collins and Latitude Regenerative Real Estate. Join the Mighty Network community at or follow us on Instagram