53. How to Build Your Future As An Entrepreneur with Jared Yellin

Entrepreneurship is not a goal or profession, it is a process that takes time, perseverance, and a lot of love for what you do; that's why Jared Yellin who has personally been an example to follow is with us today. Jared is an entrepreneur dedicated to providing the ultimate experience in the world through his company SYNDUIT. His goal was made very clear in 2011 when he told his wife Lindsey that he would help more than 1,000,000 entrepreneurs achieve the freedom they deserve. Today, he is doing it! A person worthy of admiration and who has maintained a clear vision from an early age. It was at the age of 5 when his parents divorced, at that point Jared began to understand the value of freedom. Jared describes his childhood as ¨Loud¨, until he reached the age 20 when everything began. Jared had an epiphany, where he saw himself as a father and that in order to give the best life to his family he had to achieve the freedom that he had wanted so much. It was there that he began his path to entrepreneurship, creating new ideas, forging new businesses, and making the lives of others much easier. Right now Jared feels and affirms that he has achieved freedom; a freedom that you can achieve at any time, you just need to start executing actions today. Regardless of the situation in which you find yourself, the moment you are living or the condition in which you live; you just need to create or find a solution that provides value to others and that allows you to generate momentum over time. What must you do to achieve that momentum? - You only need to do what you have to do; nothing else than that. If you have found it interesting, I invite you to stay until the end of our episode and enjoy the wonderful story we have to offer you. "You will find wisdom even in the good side & bad side; each side will give you the experience to improve and become better at what you do..." - Jared Yellin. What will you learn in this episode: •Why right now is the best opportunity you have. •How you can negotiate with yourself to achieve greatness! •How you can find your mission in life. •How helping others achieve freedom gives you more freedom. •Learn to recognize opportunities and know how to invest your time in your next success. Get in contact with Jared Yellin: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jaredyellin/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jaredyellin/ Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/JaredYellin/ Facebook Profile: https://www.facebook.com/JaredIYellin Website: https://www.jaredyellin.com SYNDUIT Website: https://www.synduit.com/ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyGEaIGNtwp_JbmwDjAqcZg Hit me up on social media and say hi! Youtube: https://bit.ly/35nJ0uV Podcast: https://ericbalance.com/podcast/ Instagram:

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