Colin Wright is the Respondent...

In this episode, Greg and Colin discuss the evolution behind ‘how to define’ sex, gender, gender identity, and sexual orientation. Colin shares his experience with cancel culture, along with how to navigate through the COVID vaccine argument. They lastly touch on how Disney is assimilating to the diversity, equity, and inclusion statements and what that might look like in the latest films.

Om Podcasten

THE RESPONDENT is A MULTIMEDIA CHILD ADVOCACY SERIES aiming to inspire family champions.Greg Ellis set out on a journey to explore the condition of the male experience via a new video and podcast series, The Respondent - a multimedia conversation on positive masculinity; a whodunnit, in which Greg—as both lead detective and key perpetrator—works to track down the co-conspirators of men’s demise and the secrets to their reclamation. It’s also an exploration of how becoming a modern man today demands we reimagine masculinity, rethink fatherhood and revitalize our image of family.Season one guests include experts, educators, and celebrity Respondents discussing agitating topics including family, philosophy, fatherhood, psychology, politics, family law, pop culture, entertainment, and much more...