Luxury handbags are no longer the status symbol of choice for many consumers

than 20% over the first eight months of 2019. The handbag was once the accessory of choice for customers looking to enter into the luxury market, a status symbol of sorts. Now that role is filled by sneaker and althleisure product categories. Houston Rockets sneakers and apparel were pulled from several Nike stores in major Chinese cities amid the furore surrounding a tweet from the team's general manager in support of anti-government protests in Hong Kong. Bigger isn't always better, like big-box retailers before them, demand for smaller warehouses is soaring as e-commerce, and the push for faster delivery accelerates competition for industrial space close to major population centres. ◇ ️ Three stories, five minutes, five days a week ◇ Instagram: Website: ◇ ️ sponsored by The Retail Training Agency Instagram: Linkedin: career-development-fashion-and-retail Website:

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Your daily resource for the retail, fashion and product business news and information. We keep it short and insightful. Not every piece of news makes it in - only what's notable. ◇ 🎙️The podcast is a pulled together and hosted by the team of industry veterans at Retail Assembly. We work with blue-chip brands, retailers, and fashion organizations around the globe, advise at accelerators and incubators, and are plugged into higher ed institutions. We hope you enjoy our news edit. ◇ Happy commuting. ◇ Instagram: @retailagency Linkedin: