The Value of Being Disliked

You can inspire the world. Or you can be liked by all. You don’t get to do both. I feel energized to share this Mastery Session with you. And I need to humbly thank you for sharing each episode I release. Millions of elite performers from 60+ nations have listened them since I started doing them a few months ago. In this one you’ll learn: how to fight the fear of conflict that stunts epic innovation ways to rise far above The Cult of Average why every visionary and titan gets ridiculed before they become revered the common mindsets of Elon Musk, Steve Wozniak, Kanye West and Usain Bolt Go for great. Own your game. Be kind. Get big things done. With love and respect, Robin  

Om Podcasten

#1 Bestselling author. Dedicating my life to help you play your best game & do your best work.