192: Johnny Stevens from Highly Suspect

We were lucky enough to have Johnny Stevens, frontman for Highly Suspect, and the band's manager, Gregg, join us for a chat! Approximate interview timings: 1 - What do you make of being back in NZ/booking issues4 - How Johnny got into music, ripping into the Backstreet boys5 - All is still surreal for Johnny6 - How Johnny met Rich and Ryan7 - Beef with Ryan 7.13 - Band fights9 - Where did the name come from?10 - What would the new name be?12 - Influence from Muse 13 - Highly Suspect newspaper article confused locals14 - First gig ever at a bar 15 - The day they quit their day jobs16 - The time Lindsay Lohan called the police on Johnny when he worked at a Karaoke bar18 - The time Johnny had sex with an Elf and got robbed at the same time20 - How did the record deal come about22 - Writing the second record in Colombia24 - Thoughts on coming to NZ to make music?25 - Piha waterfall x Serj Tankien28 - Trusts Arena Show29 - Recording the new release in Muse's studio 31 - Have you scratched the surface of what you're capable of?33 - New album is the best they've ever made38 - Bath Salts40 - Lydia42 - Johnny's new music will be a bit sadder than usual44 - All Blacks / Dan Carter chat45 - Lee Irished goodbye'd Johnny and Greg Give us a follow if you haven't already ~ Jay and Dunc. Want to get in touch? Hit us up, below. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdsp_0hG1FLaPYXDzOVBiw_pPchr5Ck9o7Bo0vFO60XMX8gNw/viewform 

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