Brutally honest dating profiles. 16th May 2024.

Today on the radio show 1:30 - Smoko chat - Earliest memories. 5:31 - What’s your earliest memory? 9:51 - Honest movie Reviews. 12:53 - Explaining to adults. 17:26 - Mind Benders - Lexus Info. 20:24 - What was the last thing that blew your mind? 24:18 - What would we be as a signature dish? 27:57 - Dating pitch from Lisa. 31:08 - Brutally honest dating profiles. 33 - Westie Lee’s chat with Rich from Highly Suspect. 36:12 - Hiring an east end gangster to fix your washing machine. 40:05 - Nat’s what I Reckon Scrambled Eggs.  42:53 - Late mail. 45:11 - Last Drinks

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