Cat snacks and metal tazer. 14th November 2023.

Today on the radio show: Missing finger becomes pet food 5 - Smoko Chat - What toilet cubicle you should use 9 - Johnny from Highly Suspect: NZ shows and ticketing disaster 13 - Take my Money: Flingball  17 - Daily Dump 20 - Listener yarn involving a machine and being tasered 24 - What’s the worst that can happen: Work Injuries 29 - Credit where credit is due 32 - Johnny from Highly Suspect: Band, Colombia cocaine smuggling and biosecurity dogs + upcoming NZ shows, new music and why they don’t perform some songs live 42 - Must Watch - Get Gotti 45 - Deep dive - the holy grail of shipwrecks 49 - Our Hunters Element t-shirts sold out! 52 - Late mail 55 - Last drinks Daily DumpJAY - Scottish Bloke falling DUNC - Last Ken Block Gymkana video TIEGS - Art out of used masks  Want to get in touch?  Send us your yarn here: 

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