The horse hotline. 6th May 2024.

Today on the radio show 1 - Smoko Chat - Duck Shooting opening weekend. 5:40 - Deep dive on the Megalodon.  9:40 - Daily Dump -  12:32 - Things you would never do if you were a………….. 16:59 - Jay's wife paid a man to do what? 21:52 - What do you want to subcontract out in the home? 26:46 - Steven the night MARE horse. 27:29 - Old Dunc Donalds Farm - Horses 31:56 - Self Help Singh. 34:44 - Guess that intro 39:46 - Compromising doctors chat part 1. 42:10 - Compromising doctors chat part 2. 45:27 - Magicland adventure sports festival. 47:09 - Late Mail. 51:24 - Last Drinks.

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Cheers for being a part of the team Big Herb! All gas, no brakes over here...the dogs are off the leash so buckle up! Subscribe to Jay and Dunc's podcast feed for highlights from the show, and exclusive content and interviews you'll only find here!