7 Ways Salespeople Can Show Their Clients They Care | Donald Kelly - 1724

When was the last time you did something nice for someone? Did you notice how their eyes shine bright like a diamond?  How about their smile? Did it become as big as the Grand Canyon? When people become this happy from others making nice gestures, it creates a warm feeling they’ll never forget. This is why sales representatives should take advantage of this, and Donald Kelly is here to tell you why. In this episode of The Sales Evangelist podcast, Donald explores the importance of showing appreciation to prospects and clients as a sales professional. Listen to this special Thanksgiving episode for seven powerful ideas to help you build stronger and lasting client relationships.  Utilize LinkedIn Sales Navigator Donald recommends creating a list on LinkedIn that includes all of your customers and prospects. This lets you be notified whenever they change jobs, get promoted, or leave their company.  Acknowledging these developments and sending a personalized message demonstrates that you care about your client's success. Put Them on Blast Highlighting your clients on social media platforms such as LinkedIn is a powerful way to show appreciation. Posting about their achievements, charity work, or unique offerings not only acknowledges and recognizes them, but also boosts their visibility and reputation.  This gesture can go a long way in building stronger relationships and fostering goodwill. Consider Appropriate Gifts While gifts may not be suitable for all industries or clients, sending a thoughtful gift can leave a lasting impression for those where it is feasible.  Be mindful of any restrictions or guidelines and choose a gift that aligns with the client's interests or preferences.  A small gesture, such as a fruit basket or an edible arrangement, can go a long way in showing appreciation. Offer Referrals Actively seek opportunities to refer your clients to others in your network.  Your efforts to connect them with potential prospects show you value their business and believe in their products.  Referrals can lead to long-term partnerships and significant business growth, making this strategy a win-win for both parties. Send Personalized Emails A simple, heartfelt email can go a long way in showing appreciation.  Craft a personalized message expressing your gratitude for their support and how much you value their partnership.  Keep the email genuine and focus solely on expressing gratitude without any sales pitch or ulterior motive.  This gesture will leave a positive impression and show that you genuinely care about your client's success. Consider Upgrades Consider offering upgrades to higher tiers or additional features for loyal and exceptional clients. This shows that you recognize their value and are willing to invest in their success.  Offering upgrades not only enhances their experience with your product or service but also encourages them to advocate for your brand, potentially leading to additional revenue. Donate to Charities Research the charitable organizations that your clients support or are passionate about. Donate to those organizations on your clients ' behalf during specific times of the year or trigger events and inform them about it.  This not only demonstrates your commitment to social responsibility but also showcases your attentiveness to their interests beyond business transactions. If you would like to show appreciation to Donald, consider donating to his favorite charity, A Bed for Me. In this episode, Donald Kelly emphasizes the importance of appreciating prospects and clients as a sales professional. By incorporating these strategies throughout the year, sales professionals can strengthen relationships, build trust, and pave the way for long-term success. Remember, a little gesture of appreciation can go a long way in positively impacting both your business and the lives of those you serve. "Show your appreciation. Your words matter. These are simple gestures from you for sending that email. Just because. You are absolutely amazing. I just want to send you an email and tell you thank you. No tricks, no gimmicks here. It's a pleasure working with you." - Donald Kelly. Resources A Bed for Me Foundation  Donald C. Kelly on LinkedIn Sponsorship Offers This episode is brought to you in part by Hubspot. With HubSpot sales hubs, your data tools and teams join a single platform to close deals and turn prospects into pipelines. Try it for yourself at hubspot.com/sales. 2.            This episode is brought to you in part by LinkedIn. Are you tired of prospective clients not responding to your emails? Sign up for a free 60-day trial of LinkedIn Sales Navigator at linkedin.com/tse. 3.            This episode is brought to you in part by the TSE Sales Foundation. Improve your connection on LinkedIn and land three or five appointments with our LinkedIn prospecting course. Go to the salesevangelist.com/linkedin. Credits As one of our podcast listeners, we value your opinion and always want to improve the quality of our show. Complete our two-minute survey here: thesalesevangelist.com/survey. We’d love for you to join us for our next episodes by tuning in on Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Stitcher, or Spotify. Audio provided by Free SFX, Soundstripe, and Bensound. Other songs used in the episodes are as follows: The Organ Grinder written by Bradley Jay Hill, performed by Bright Seed, and Produced by Brightseed and Hill.

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I believe in doing BIG THINGS! You should be earning 6 figures easily as a sales rep. But chances are you are not...yet! Sales is the most important department in every company but many sellers are never taught how to effectively sell, much less how to earn their way to high-income status. My own career limped along until a company I worked for invested in sales training to help me succeed. Immediately afterward, I closed a deal worth 4X what the company spent on me and saw hockey-stick improvement in my performance. So I started a podcast to “Evangelize” what was working. Today I interview the world's best sales experts, successful sellers, sales leaders and entrepreneurs who share their strategies to succeed in sales right now: folks like Jeffrey Gitomer, Jill Konrath, Bob Burg, and Guy Kawasaki to name a few. They share actionable insights and stories that will encourage, challenge, and motivate you to hustle your way to top income status. If you’re someone looking to take off in your sales career and earn the income you deserve, hit subscribe and let’s start doing BIG THINGS!