Ian Pace, Round 2: Music in Higher Education

Ian Pace is a pianist, musicologist and professor at City, University of London. This is his second appearance on the Samuel Andreyev Podcast. The conversation was recorded in London, UK on 5 April 2022.IAN PACE WEBSITEhttps://ianpace.com/sample-page/FOLLOW IAN PACE ON TWITTERhttps://twitter.com/ianpacemain?s=20&t=DUDr8v0n9oLmpj0SpOD40QIAN PACE WRITINGShttps://openaccess.city.ac.uk/view/creators_id/ian=2Epace=2E1.htmlSUPPORT THIS PODCASTPatreonDonorboxORDER SAMUEL ANDREYEV’S NEWEST RELEAS...

Om Podcasten

Samuel Andreyev talks with the performers and composers who are changing the music world today.