Porn & Order

Sarah talks porn and Law & Order. You can leave a voice memo for Sarah at   Sales and Distribution by Lemonada Media  Please support our sponsors: Give the gift of Native deodorant this holiday season. Visit or use promo code Silverman at checkout for 20% off your first order. Go to to grab a variety pack and try it today! And be sure to use our promo code SARAH at checkout to get free shipping on cereal that is keto-friendly, gluten-free, grain-free, soy-free, low carb, GMO-free and tastes amazing! Visit to check out Apostrophe, a prescription skincare company that connects you with a dermatologist online who can prescribe you products to meet your skincare goals. Enter the code Sarah to get your dermatology visit for only $5! JUST Egg makes it easy to take the first step toward a healthier lifestyle and plant-based diet, without sacrificing taste. It’s available nationwide on Amazon Prime Now or Instacart or at Whole Foods, your local grocery store or co-op in the egg aisle or frozen section.  See for privacy information.See for privacy information.

Om Podcasten

Sarah Silverman is back with a new season of The Sarah Silverman Podcast, where Sarah shares her thoughts and musings on anything and everything under the sun. No topic is off limits, from politics to the rampant overuse of cologne. Your voicemails dictate the trajectory of the show, but Sarah’s always driving. Yes, things will get weird. But weird is her sweet spot. New episodes of The Sarah Silverman Podcast from Lemonada Media premiere every Thursday. You can leave a voice memo for Sarah at