The Evolution from Clearlight Saunas to Helsi Health Brand with Johannes Kettelhodt

On today’s episode of The Helsi Show, Johannes Kettelhodt sits down for a one-on-one conversation with you, sharing insights on health, wellness, and his experiences building a global brand. He explores the journey of infusing his passion for health and wellness into a personal odyssey of self-improvement in the realm of well-being. As the conversation unfolds, he delves into the beginnings of his partnership with Sebastian Mierau and candidly shares the ups and downs of the entrepreneurial journey.

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Welcome to The Helsi Podcast where we invite you to invest in your wellbeing and unlock the secrets of vibrant health, peak performance and wellness! Join us, Sebastian Mierau and Johannes Kettelhodt, co-founders of Australia + New Zealand’s leading wellness company, as we dive deep into the science, strategies and stories that empower you to live your healthiest, happiest life! Whether you’re a CEO, high achiever, Entrepreneur, elite athlete, health enthusiast, scientist or self improvement seeker… together we will explore the cutting edge of biohacking techniques and holistic health practices with world-class experts that optimize your mind, body and spirit.