Critically Acclaimed BONUS: Raiders of the Lost Ark Commentary Track!

Wanna watch RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK with film critics William Bibbiani and Witney Seibold? You can, in this free sample of their CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED commentary tracks! Just cue up the film and press play, and Bibbs and Witney will share all their insights and theories and knowledge about one of the best action movies ever made... or just play it right now and listen along like an ordinary podcast! Check out our website at and head on over to to contribute to the show and get even more exclusive content, including commentary tracks just like this one!! Email us at letters(a), follow your hosts on Twitter at @WilliamBibbiani and @WitneySeibold, and follow the podcast/website at @CriticAcclaim!

Om Podcasten

Welcome to Watch Diary - formerly the Movie House podcast feed! From Ryan Snelling (Collider/Schmoes Know/Sight & Sound), comes an outside-the bubble, movie-centric podcast! This feed will feature reviews, commentaries, and TV recaps from some of the feeds familiar voices. If you love what you hear, please rate/review us on Apple podcasts!