Critically Acclaimed: Mars Needs Moms and Spirited Away
They say MARS NEEDS MOMS, but what it got was a disaster. This motion-capture animated film cost $150 million, grossed less than $39 million, collapsed a studio, set an entire animation medium back years, and earned a bunch of terrible reviews in the process! Why is it such a dud, and is it really as bad as its reputation? And why is it the perfect double feature with Hayao Miyazaki’s beloved, Oscar-winning classic SPIRITED AWAY? You’ll find out on this week’s CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED! Plus, we’ve got new reviews of THE GRINCH, OVERLORD, THE GIRL IN THE SPIDER’S WEB, OUTLAW KING and THE NEW ROMANTIC! Email us at letters(a), follow your hosts on Twitter at @WilliamBibbiani and @WitneySeibold, and follow the podcast/website at @CriticAcclaim. Check out our website at and head on over to to contribute to the show and get even more exclusive content! Email us at letters(a), and follow your hosts on Twitter at @WilliamBibbiani and @WitneySeibold. 1:33 - Introductions 11:08 - The Grinch 22:56 - Overlord 38:42 - Outlaw King 46:11 - The Girl in the Spider’s Web: A New Dragon Tattoo Story 1:00:52 - The New Romantic 1:12:01 - Mars Needs Moms 1:39:28 - Spirited Away