Podcast #57 - Viral shedding, Coercion, and Toxins, Oh My! What To Do If You or Someone You Love has Gotten the Va))ine | Spencer Feldman
Dr. Sharon Stills interviews Spencer Feldman, inventor and CEO of RemedyLink Suppositories. It is no secret that we live in an increasingly toxic world, and many people are having a harder time detoxifying their bodies. Furthermore, chronically ill patients often suffer more through the healing process itself, due to sluggish detox pathways. Dr. Stills and Spencer take a deep dive into the details of the BioRegulatory detoxing process, including why suppositories are crucial tools in the self-healing process. Spencer and Dr. Stills also do a deep dive into the difficult conversation on what to do if you or someone you love has gotten "the jab" - is there still hope of self-healing? Tune in to find out!