228 | The Screenwriting Life: Joy, Pain, & Legacy (TSL 2024 Supercut, Pt. 1)

JOIN TSL WORKSHOPS: https://tslworkshops.circle.so At the end of every episode, we ask our guests the Three Big Questions: What brings you the most joy when it comes to writing? What pisses you off about writing? What advice would you give to your younger self? Today's supercut captures the heartfelt answers from TSL guests over the past year. Part 2, coming soon! 1:04 - Charlotte Stoudt (Ep 164) 7:24 - Tom McCarthy (Ep 169) 12:24 - Paco de Leon (Ep 172) 15:38 - Adam Grant (Ep 173) 26:04 - Jodie Foster (Ep 174) 31:22 - Michael Arndt (Ep 176) 34:16 - Celine Song (Ep 177) 41:12 - David Hemingson (Ep 178) 45:24 - Elizabeth Hargrave (Ep 180) 50:06 - Lloyd Taylor (Ep 181) 53:38 - Dave Mullins, Brad Booker, & Sean Ono Lennon (Ep 182) 1:09:43 - Jennifer Deaton (Ep 184) 1:17:38 - Cole Haddon (Ep 185) 1:22:43 - Jeff Melvoin (Ep 186) 1:26:28 - Debby Wolfe (Ep 187) 1:29:29 - Octavio Solis (Ep 188) 1:37:32 - Carole Kirschner (Ep 189) 1:42:34 - Navid McIlhargey (Ep 190) 1:47:00 - Linda Seger (Ep 191) 1:52:35 - Billy Mernit (Ep 194)

Om Podcasten

Welcome to The Screenwriting Life, a podcast where Oscar-nominated writer Meg LeFauve and Emmy-nominated writer Lorien McKenna discuss not only the craft and business of Screenwriting, but also the emotional life: the ups and downs of being a creative, to remind you that you are not alone and to keep writing.