S3: Mailbag!

We did it! We made it to our last episode of the season. Today Falen and Leah sort through the mail and answer your questions about treaties and unceded land; tell the story of a woman named Vivian MacMillan; and dive into the history of Zellers department store. (Remember Zeddy?) *Warning this episode contains descriptions of sexual assault from 7:43 -12:40

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The country you know and the stories you don't. Join hosts Leah-Simone Bowen and Falen Johnson as they reveal the beautiful, terrible and weird histories of this land. New episodes every second Thursday.Visit us at www.cbc.ca/secretlife for show links, transcripts and more!Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok.Subscribe to Sounds Good: CBC's Podcast newsletter for the finest podcast recommendations and behind-the-scenes exclusives.