423: The Masters Show With Jeff Sherman & Chris Gregory
Jason is joined by Jeff Sherman, VP of risk management at Superbook Sportsbook and runs golfodds.com. He gives his best outright winners currently on the board and all the tips and tricks you need in order to place smart wagers on The Masters. Chris Gregory from covers.com joins to give his best bets and his input on everything surrounding the tournament. As always, Arthur DiCesare from Superbook Sportsbook gives the action report on a busy week in sports. 4:12-12:51 Jeff Sherman from Superbook Sportsbook & Golfodds.com 12:52-25:20 Chris Gregory from Covers.com 25:21-30:13 Arthur DiCesare from Superbook Sportsbook Make sure you follow/subscribe to the Sharp 600, and if you love what we're putting out, please write a review!