How to Create One Month of High-Converting Content In 3 Hours

How to Create One Month of Content In 3 Hours is a time-saving system for online coaches - or any business online - to create a month of high-converting content that actually gets clients in a matter of hours. I break down the system to come up with content ideas, how to plan out your month in a super simple system and how to create super quickly. But that’s not all, we focus on how to create content that gets coaching clients fast - not just quickly churned content to fill a space. Get my brand new Facebook Ads Mini-Course For Coaches today for free…  

Om Podcasten

The Shoney Show by Neil 'Shoney' Mac is a daily podcast featuring the tried and tested strategies proven to grow coaching businesses to 6-7+ figures online. Social media, email marketing and ads strategies that get clients shared daily - plus mindset, interviews and more. Subscribe to never miss an episode.