Against the Odds: First-Generation in Medicine

It’s hard to become a doctor when you’ve never met one. It’s sometimes easy to forget from the ivory tower that relatively few American’s have, or take, the opportunity to advance beyond high school. This, of course, means that their children are also less likely to do so. Those kids that do decide to make that leap are at a distinct disadvantage to their peers whose parents did go to college. And those who advance further to attend medical school are even more rare, and are still disadvantaged compared to their peers. We call those students “first-generation in medicine,” and they’re an important group. They represent an opportunity to have a medical workforce that can serve their patients better because they understand a wider range of patient experiences and determinants of health at a gut level. PA1 Julie Vuong, M1 Amanda Litka, and MD/PhD student Faith Prochaska are first-gen in college students , and M1 Holly Hemann is first-gen in medicine. They sat down to talk with Dave about their battles to overcome the barriers to enter a medical career, what it means for their future practice of medicine, and how learning about medicine is often a gut-wrenching experience that highlights the struggles their families back home have in maintaining their own health. Meanwhile, some medical schools have gone tuition free, which should have been good news…but so far it has actually *decreased* the number of low-income students that matriculate at those schools, as well as lowering the number of students from those schools who enter primary care. We Want to Hear From You: YOUR VOICE MATTERS! We welcome your feedback, listener questions, and shower thoughts. Do you agree or disagree with something we said today? Did you hear something really helpful? Can we answer a question for you? Are we delivering a podcast you want to keep listening to? Let us know at and we’ll put your message in a future episode. Or email We do more things on… Instagram: YouTube: You deserve to be happy and healthy. If you’re struggling with racism, harassment, hate, your mental health, or some other crisis, visit, and send additions to the resources there to We love you. Music provided by Argofox. License: DOCTOR VOX – Heatstroke: Catmosphere – Candy-Coloured Sky: Hexalyte – Wandering Hours:

Om Podcasten

Featuring a variety cast of medical students from the University of Iowa, The Short Coat is a brutally honest look at medicine, med school, and what life is like here at the margins of medicine. Skip this show if you'd prefer not to know and hate laughter. The opinions we share with you are formed by the sleep deprived, and are thus likely ill-considered and noticeably spur-of-the-moment. And definitely not those of the University of Iowa.