058 Bay Angels and 20 Years of Angel Investing Experience with Founder Roger King

Roger King   Founder of BayAngelsBayAngels is dedicated to promoting the entrepreneurial spirit by assisting early-stage technology companies with capital, connections, and board-level advice. Examples of our portfolio companies include Pree Media, CashBet, Trpz, Sea of Change Trading Co., CEO of Chiefpeople20 years’ experience in recruiting at both the executive level and the individual contributor level. Interested in companies with hiring needs. Offering extremely cost-effective solutions. Clients include SoftBank Robotics, Jiff, Gracenote, OpenTable, Manage, Grid Dynamics, and Navera. We Talk About   How has angel investing changed over the past 20 years? Some suggestions for beginner angel investors? What problems do startups make when pitching to investors? Do angel groups talk to each other?   Connect with Roger Roger@bayangels.com Bay Angels website http://bayangels.com/ns/     CONNECT WITH SHAWN https://linktr.ee/ShawnflynnSV Shawn Flynn’s LinkedInAccount Silicon Valley LinkedInGroup Account Shawn Flynn’s FacebookAccount   Email Shawn@thesiliconvalleypodcast.com

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